
时间:2022-07-04 14:55:08 浏览量:


 Objective 目的 Guest accidents represent an extensive threat to profit ability, as wellas the image and integrity of hotel, Inc. The safety of our guests is a primeobjective and it is important to know how to care for an injured guest, whileinsuring that all actions are taken to minimize the property’s loss. 客人的事故意味着利润将存在一个潜在威胁,意味着酒店的形象,将会受到影响,客人的安全是首要的目标,照顾好受伤的客人是非常重要的,确保采取所有必要行动来将酒店的损失降到最低。


 程序 1. When a guest accident occurs, the department manager, duty manager,guest service manager or security supervisor should take care of the ill orinjured guest. Offer to obtain medical attention, but let the guest decidewhether he or she wants to se a doctor, go to the hospital or go home. 当客人发生了意外,客人受伤地的营业场所的部门经理、酒店值班经理、宾客服务经理、防损主管要照顾有伤病的客人。关注客人身体状况,有客人自己决定时想要看医生,去医院还是回家。

 2. Get the injured guest’s full story by duty manager, guest service manager orsecurity supervisor, and record details (had bitter with signature of guest). 酒店值班经理、宾客服务经理、防损主管获取客人的详细经过叙述,并记录下详细经过(最好有客人签名认可)。

 3. Loss Prevention confirm the injured guest’s story. Don’task for witnesses but ask if there wan anyone else who saw what happened andrecord their names, addresses, phone numbers as

 well as what they saw. LossPrevention will take down statements of the whole story. 确认受伤客人的经过,不要询问是否有证人,但是要询问是否有人发现了什么事,记录下他们的名字、地址、电话号码和看到了什么灯。防损部负责对发现并了解整个事件经过的人员负责做好陈述笔录或询问笔录。

 4. LP supervisor inspect the accident scene carefully. Take notes andpictures. Get other associates to inspect the scene also. Note and recordpersonal factors that may have contributed to the accident, e.g. spike heels,shoes in poor condition, poor eyesight, limp, fainting spells, relateddisabilities, etc. 防损主管仔细检查事故现场,做记录,还要指派员工对现场进行检查,并拍照取证。记录下可能导致事故发生的因素,例如:高跟鞋钉、鞋的状况有点差、可视程度差、蹒跚、晕倒、是否有残疾等。

 5. Do not conceal any legitimate evidence. 不要隐藏和销毁任何合法的证据。

 6. Report and have witnessed all non-defective conditions. 汇报并保存所有证据。

 7. Loss Prevention Manager complete incident reports, save all evidence.(Fill out accident reports in private. This is privileged information-do notshare with injured guest). 防损部经理完成并保存事故报告保存所有的证据(单独填写事故报告,这是非常重要的,不要与受伤的客人分享)。

 8. Loss Prevention Manager or on-duty associates should inform localinsurance company at once. 防损部经理或防损部值班人员应立即通知本地保险公司。

 9. Take measures to avoid such problems happen again. 采取相应措施,避免此类问题再次发生。

 10. In cases of serious injury death (associates with first aid CPRcertificates take emergency treatment first). Please see the hotel CrisisManagement Plan——SeriousInjury & Death Case. 一旦发生客人重伤、死亡事件(首先由酒店具有急救和 CPR 证书的员工进行急救),详见《酒店危机管理计划—伤亡》。

 11. DO NOT discuss insurance, negligence and liability in front of guest.DO NOT discuss similar cases, which may have occurred recently or in the past. 不要在客人面前讨论保险,疏忽或责任,不要讨论最近或过去发生的类似事件。

 12. Place of business manager, duty manager and Loss Prevention manager orsupervisor on duty should be polite and express sympathy-DO NOT admit faults. 营业场所经理、值班经理、防损部经理值班经理或主管要礼貌并附有同情心-但不要承认过失。

 13. Loss Prevention and duty manager will input the whole incident intowith 24 hours. 防损部和值班经理负责在 24 小时内把整个事件输入系统。

相关热词搜索: 操作规程 事故调查 客人