
时间:2022-06-30 18:30:04 浏览量:

 Ex. 4

 1. This equipment, it is said, was commercially available three years ago. [It is said that ……; This equipment is said to have been available three years ago.]



  When a wire loop surrounds a stationary magnet, no current flows in the loop. What Faraday and Henry discovered was that moving the magnet causes a current to flow in the loop. It does not matter whether the magnet or the loop is actually being moved; the origin of the current lies in the relative motion between a conductor and a magnetic field.


 3. A lever is a rigid rod pivoted at a certain point called the fulcrum. Fig. 12-1 shows the most familiar type of lever, with a load at one end being balanced by an applied force at the other. The condition for equilibrium is that the torques produced by F in

 and F out

 be the same in magnitude.

  杠杆是一根架在支点上的刚性杆/是架在某点上的刚性杆,这一点称之为支点。图 12 展示了我们最为熟悉的一类杠杆,处于一端的负载物被另一端的外力所平衡。平衡的条件是 与 所产生的力矩大小相等。


  ×××: male and born in December in 1941. He graduated from the Xi’an Military Telecommunications Engineering Institute (the predecessor of Xidian University) and remained at the Institute as a faculty member. From 1981 to 1983 he stayed at the University of Pennsylvania, U.S.A. for further studies, engaged in the research on image analysis & processing and radar imaging. From 1989 to 1990 he went to the United States and Britain as a visiting scholar. Currently he serves as president of Shenzhen University, being an advisor for doctoral students of Xidian University in the academic area of Signal & Information Processing. He has been in charge of and undertaken quite a few projects, all with high-level achievements.

 xxx:男,1941 年 12 月生,毕业于西安军事电讯学院(西安电子科技大学前身),毕业后留校任教。1981 年至 1983 年,在美国宾夕法尼亚大学进修,从事图像分析与处理,以及雷达成像等方面的研究。1989 年至 1990 年,以访问学者的身份到英美进行访问。现任深圳大学校、西安电子科技大学信息与信号处理学科博士生导师。主持和承担了多项课题,都获得了高水平成果。

 5. The farther away the target (is), the longer it takes for the echo to return.


 6. We find this problem easy to solve.


 7. By finding two points on the straight line, we can draw the line.


 8. The equation to the circle with the center at the origin and of radius a is x 2

 + y 2

 = a 2 .

  圆心在原点,半径为 a 的圆的方程为 x 2

 + y 2

 = a 2 。

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