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  剑桥商务英语中级分类模拟 42 R E AD I N G

  ●Look at the statements below and the company news reports on the opposite page. ●Which news report (A, B, C or D) does each statement refer to? ●For each statement, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet. ●You will need to use some of the letters more than once. A Walger, the bus maker, has entered into a joint venture with IMCO Bus Corporation to participate in coach building operations in Mexico. The two companies have just announced the $70 million acquisition of Mexican Coachworks, the largest bus and coach builder in Mexico, with 2,400 employees and three factories. Walger retains a 60% interest in the coach building venture. Analysts have expressed surprise, given the current exchange rate. B Jetline Airports has said that it spent £2.1 million on its failed attempt to dispose of its duty- free retail division. The chief executive said the company"s six-month search for a buyer ran up heavy consultancy expenses which left half-year pre-tax profits at £4.5 million. It also emerged that the Director of Finance received a £500,000 settlement when he left the company. C GBD, the manufacturing giant, plans to cut 1,500 jobs at its Portland factory over the next five years after union refusal to increase productivity. A company representative said that although they have invested more than $42 million in the new plant and improved technology, the trade unions are still unwilling to increase output. As a result, GBD have been forced to downsize the Portland plant. D Maybrooke, the Scottish department store, reported a fall in trading profits in the first half of the year from £545,000 to £462,000, on sales which were down two per cent. They blame the disappointing first half on the strength of the pound, which hit the company"s tourist business, as well as an increase in traffic and parking problems in the city centre, and the growth of out-of-town shopping centers. 1.

 A strong currency has had a negative effect on the company. D [解析] strong currency,negative effect strength of the pound,hit 题干意为“强势货币对该公司有着消极的影响”也就是说强势的货币阻碍了该公司的发展,与原 文 D段 They blame the disappointing first half on the strength of the pound, which hit the company"s tourist business 意思一致。


 The workforce has made it difficult for this company to become more efficient. C [解析] workforce,difficult,more efficient cut 1500 jobs,refusal to increase productivity 题干意为“產于劳动力的不足,使该公司提高生产效率成为一件困难的事情”也就是说该公司的 劳动力不足使提高生产力变得很困难,与 C 段 plans to cut 1,500 jobs at its Portland factory over the next five years after union refusal to increase productivity 相对应。


 The use of specialists led to very high costs. B [解析] specialists,high cost heavy consultancy expenses 题干意为“聘请专家造成了很高的成本花费”与 B 段 the company"s six-month search for a buyer ran up heavy consultancy expenses which left half-year pre-tax profits at £4.5 million表述一致。


 Increased competition has contributed to this company"s difficulties.

 D [解析] competition,company"s difficulties fall,growth of out-of-town shopping centers 题干意为“激烈的竞争导致了该公司面临困境”与 D段 They blame the disappointing first half on the strength of the pound, which hit the company"s tourist business, as well as an increase in traffic and parking problems in the city centre, and the growth of out-of-town shopping centers相对应。


 This company has reached an agreement on a new project. A [解析] agreement,new project enter into,joint venture 题干意为“该公司就一个新项目已达成协议”与 A段 Walger, the bus maker, has entered into a joint venture with IMCO Bus Corporation to participate in coach building operations in Mexico意思一致。


 Part of this company was up for sale. B [解析] part,for sale dispose of,division 题干意为“公司的部分产业准备要出售”与 B 段 Jetline Airports has said that it spent £2.1 million on its failed attempt to dispose of its duty-free retail division 表述一致。


 This company has expanded its manufacturing base. A [解析] expand,manufacturing base acquisition,Coachworks 题干意为“该公司已经扩大了其生产基地”与 A段 The two companies have just announced the $70 million acquisition of Mexican 相对应。

 Good Listener, Better M an age r

  A Too often we accuse others of not listening, pretending that we ourselves are faultless, yet in our hearts we know that many of the mistakes we make come about because we haven"t listened carefully e nough. We

 get things wrong because we haven"t quite understood what someone meant when they were talking to us. Anyone who has ever taken the minutes of a long meeting will know how hard it is to remember — despite the benefit of notes — exactly what everyone said. But success depends on getting things right — and that means listening. B Listening is not the same thing as hearing; it is not an effortless activity. It demands attention and concentration. It may mean quizzing the speaker for additional information or for clarification — it is always better to ask than to continue regardless and get things wrong. However, if you allow your mind to wander onto something else, even for a few minutes, you"ll miss what the speaker is saying — probably at the very moment when he or she is saying something critical. And not having heard, you won"t know you"ve missed anything until it"s too late. C The most common bad habit we have is to start thinking of what we are going to say about the subject long before the other speaker has finished. We then stop listening. Even worse, this often adds rudeness to inattentiveness, as once you have decided what to say there is a fair chance you will interrupt to say it. Good listeners don"t interrupt. In fact, it is often worth explaining the main idea of what you have just been told before going on to make your own points. Nobody is offended by this and it shows that you have listened well.

 D Above all, be patient and accept that many people are not very good communicators. It"s helpful to remember that the ways people move and position themselves while they are speaking can reveal a great deal about what they are saying. Equally importantly you should put yourself in the other person"s shoes, both intellectually and emotionally; it will help you to understand what they are getting at and form a response. But don"t be too clever. Faced with a know-all, many people keep quiet because they see no point in continuing. 8.

 Sometimes it is necessary to insist on further explanation. B [解析] further explanation additional information,clarification 题干意为“有时坚持让讲话人做进一步的解释有必要的”与 B 段 It may mean quizzing the speaker for additional information or for clarification 形成对应。


 You shouldn"t focus on your response while others are still speaking. C [解析] shouldn"t focus on your response thinking of what we are going to say 题干意为“当别人仍在讲话时,不应把精力集中在自己该如何回应”与 C 段 The most common bad habit we have is to start thinking of what we are going to say about the subject long before the other speaker has finished意思一致。


 People are reluctant to admit that they don"t listen well. A [解析] reluctant to admit,don"t listen well pretending,haven"t listened carefully enough 题干意为“人们都不愿意承认自己没有好好听”与 A段 Too often we accuse others of not listening, pretending that we ourselves are faultless, yet in our hears we know that many of the mistakes we make come about because we haven"t listened carefully enough 表述一致。


 There are benefits in seeing things from the speaker"s perspective. D [解析] seeing things from the speaker"s perspective put yourself in the other person"s shoes 题干意为“从他人的角度看待问题是有益处的”与 D段 Equally importantly you should put yourself in the other person"s shoes, both intellectually and emotionally相对应。


 Keen observation of the speaker can support our listening skills. D [解析] Keen observation remember,move and position 题干意为“对讲话人的仔细观察可以有助于我们提高聆听技巧”与 D段 It"s helpful to remember that the ways people move and position themselves while they are speaking can reveal a great deal about what they are saying 含义基本一致。


 It is risky to think about a different issue while someone is speaking. B [解析] risky,different issue wander onto something else,critical 题干意为“当别人在讲话时想着不同的事情,这是很危险的。”与 B 段 However, if you allow your mind to wander onto something else, even for a few minutes, you"ll miss what the speaker is saying —probably at the very moment when he or she is saying something critical 意思相近。


 People do not mind hearing their own views summarized. C [解析] not mind,summarized nobody is offended,explaining the main idea 题干意为“人们不介意听到他们所讲的内容被总结概括”与 C 段 In fact it is often worth explaining the main idea of what you have just been told before going on to make your own points. Nobody is offended by this and it shows that you have listened well表述一致。

 When a business decides to outsource its IT services, it needs to consider the question of integration. Four experts give their views.

 A Gianluca Tramcere, Silica Systems An outsourced IT service is never a fully independent entity. It is tied to the home company"s previous and continuing systems of working. But despite the added responsibility of managing new ways of working, many businesses ignore the integration process. They fail to establish contracts that define the ways in which the two companies will work alongside one another, and focus solely on the technological aspects of service delivery. B Kevin Rayner, Domola Businesses need to build integration competency centers dedicated to managing the integration e ffor t . I t

 is critical to have an individual in charge to check that the external and internal business operations work together. Although companies often think of outsourcing as a way of getting rid of people and assets, they need to remember that, at the same time, outsourcing involves gaining people. Because there is a new operation being carried out in a different way outside of the home business, this creates a training element. C Clayton Locke, Digital Solutions Communication is the key to success, and outsourcing to other regions or countries can lead to a range of problems. For any such initiative, it is necessary to create a team where there is good, open communication and a clear understanding of objectives and incentives. Bringing people to the home location from the outsourced centre is necessary, since it can aid understanding of the complexities of the existing system. To integrate efficiently, outsourcing personnel have to talk to the home company"s executives and users to understand their experiences. D Kim Noon, J G Tech One way to avoid the difficulties of integration is to create a joint venture company with the outsourcer. Thus, a company can swap its assets for a share of the profits. Yet joint ventures bring potential troubles and companies should be careful not to lose sight of the original rationale for outsourcing: to gain cost efficiencies and quality of service in an area that for some reason could not be carried out entirely in- house. The complexities and costs of a joint venture initiative should not be underestimated. 15.

 the need to teach skills to employees working on the outsourced process B [解析] teach skills a training element 题干意为“对从事外包业务和员工进行技能培训的必要性”与 B 段“Because there is a new operation being carried out in a different way outside of the home business, this creates a training element.”意思一致。


 remembering the initial reason for setting up the outsourced project D [解析] initial reason

 the original rationale 题干意为“要记住建立外包项目的初始原因”与 D段“Yet joint ventures bring potential troubles and companies should be careful not to lose sight of the original rationale for outsourcing: to gain cost efficiencies and quality of service in an area that for some reason could not be carried out entirely in- house.”相对应。


 the need to draw up agreements that set out how integration is to be achieved A [解析] draw up agreement establish contracts 题干意为“起草协议书来解决如何实现两公司的整合问题的必要性”与 A段“They fail to establish contracts that define the ways in which the two companies will work alongside one another, and focus solely on the technological aspects of service delivery.”表述信息相近。


 addressing the issue of staff who work on the outsourced process being at a distant site C [解析] addressing the issue of staff,at a distant site bring people to the home location,from the outsourced centre 题干意为“解决在异地从事外包业务的工作人员的问题”与 C 段“Bringing people to the home location from the outsourced centre is necessary, since it can aid understanding of the complexities of the existing system.”含义基本一致。


 the importance of making someone responsible for the integration process B [解析] making someone responsible an individual in charge 题干意为“让某个人负责整合过程的重要性”与 B 段“It is critical to have an individual in charge to check that the external and internal business operations work together.”意思相似。


 staff on the outsourced project familiarizing themselves with various details of the business C [解析] familiarizing with various details talk to the home company"s executives and users to understand their experiences 题干意为“外包项目的 工作人员要熟悉公司的所有运营状况”与 C段“To integrate efficiently, outsourcing personnel have to talk to the home company"s executives and users to understand their experiences.”相对应。


 problems being associated with an alternative to outsourcing D [解析] problem,alternative to outsourcing the complexities and costs of a joint venture 题干意为“外包业务替代方案的问题”与 C 段“The complexities and costs of a joint venture initiative should not be underestimated.”意思基本接近,此句中外包业务的替代品就是指合资企业。

 ●Read the case study below about reviving a fashion brand. ●Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps. ●For each gap, mark one letter (A-G) on your answer sheet. ●Do not use any letter more than once. Reviving a B r and

  Rebranding is a delicate and risky venture, and the case study of Sapira, a US fashion label that recently set about restoring its ailing fortunes through rebranding, is a good illustration of this. During a

 period when growth in the clothing industry was slowing, Sapira, a partner organization of the leading fashion designer Perivale, found itself struggling. The main challenges were changing tastes in the core customer base and a sudden increase in lower-cost competitors. Sapira realised that brand repositioning was the key to these problems and could, if handled properly, create opportunities for the company. In an industry where customers demand novelty and choice, the brand was beginning to seem ol d- fashioned.


  This failure of Sapira to refresh its brand image was the result of under-investment in human resources and marketing. The marketing mix had not evolved since the brand"s glory days in the 1990s, when it was the choice of fashion-conscious customers in Europe and the United States.


  But in the following decade its reputation was damaged by the launch of a series of inconsistent collections. It was clear that action had to be taken if Sapira"s clothes were to be restored as leading fashion items. Sapira needed to decide whether to offer a new collection that would appeal to its established customer base of mature consumers, or reposition itself towards younger buyers.


  It was not an easy decision to make. In order to better appreciate developments in the modern market, Sapira hired a leading marketing company. This firm provided a breakdown of the fashion market into key segments. These were very different with respect to target customers, the complexity of appropriate designs and production costs. Sapira now had a great deal of information to base its decisions on, but it was aware it could still take the wrong path. Fortunately, Sapira had associations with Perivale that could be easily leveraged. They shared sales forces, which meant that Sapira profited from Perivale"s broad distribution network.


  In relation to exploiting this distribution network Sapira decided that the firm"s current approach to pricing should be maintained after repositioning. The case of Sapira provides an overview of the issues connected with brand repositioning.


  In addition, a supporting organisational infrastructure is needed that is capable of delivering on the needs of the key target segment. A Particularly valuable was the way this partnership gave access to high turnover sales centres, including department stores and small, independent boutiques. B It also lacked the essential ingredient for the market: design creativity. C These involve a fine balancing act between preserving a brand"s essence and offering a product line supported by an appropriate marketing mix. D It went on to point out that since most manufacturers launched only one fashion line per year, mistakes could prove very costly. E The latter group tends to spend more, but generally shows far less brand loyalty. F Its success during this period was due to a dynamic design team and a name for quality and s tyle . G The main challenges were changing tastes in the core customer base and a sudden increase in lower- cost competitors. 1. B [解析] old fashioned,this failure also lacked 空栺前一句意为“在一个消费者需要新奇和选择的产业里,品牌的力量逐渐开始变得过时了。” 空栺后一句意为“Sapira不能够重新树立品牌的原因在于对人力资源和市场方面的投资不足。”所 缺句子与前一句应为并列关系,进一步提及产业失败的原因,对应选项 B 中所提到的“这个产业还 缺少在市场竞争中的核心要素:设计的原创性。”这三句话中也孓在明显的因果关系,因为产业 中缺少某个关键环节,所以最终才导致失败。

  2. F [解析] glory days,1990s success,during this period 空栺前一句为“当这个品牌成为欧洲和美国赶时髦的消费者的选择时,在 20世纪 90年代它进入鼎 盛时期,但那时营销策略并没有改进。”空栺后一句为“但是接下来的几十年里產于接连推出了一 系列不相一致的产品后,它的声誉遭到了破坏。所缺句子与前一句应为因果关系,所缺句子作为 解释这个品牌鼎盛的原因,所以对应选项 F 中所提到的“在这个时期她的成功取决于拥有一个充满

  活力的设计团队和以质量和风栺著称的品牌 ”

 3. E [解析] mature consumers,younger buyers the latter group 空栺前一句为“Sapira需要考虑是否推出新款产品去吸引老顾客中的成年消费者,或者重新定位 自己去吸引年轻的购买者。”空栺后一句为“这是一个不太容易做的决定。”所缺句子应与空栺后一 句形成因果关系,所缺句子应为这个决定难以抉择的原因,对应选项 E中做提到的“后一个群体有 较强的购买力,但是普遍不具有品牌的忠诚度。”面对这两种群体的利与弊让Sapira不能轻易做出 决定。

  4. A [解析] Sapira had associations with Perivale this partnership 空栺前一句为“幸运的是,Sapira与 Perivale 有伙伴关系,可以比较容易地利甠他们共同的销售力 量,这就意味着 Sapira 可以从 Perivale广泛的销售网中获利。”空栺后一句为“关于如何开拓销售 网,重新定位后的 Sapira 决定采取原有的定价方法。”所缺句子为空栺前一句的具体解释,从中获 的什么利。对应选项 A中提到的“这种极其宝贵的伙伴关系使 Sapira可以接触到具有较高销售额的 销售中心,包括百货店和小型独立的精品屋。”“this partnership”指代的就是Sapira公司与 Perivale公 司的伙伴关系。

  5. C [解析] connected with between and 空栺前一句为“Sapira公司的实例概述了相关品牌重新定位的各种问题。”空栺后一句为“需要一 个能实现主要目标对象的需求的辅助性的组织结构。

 Setting up an Appraisal S c h e m e

  Appraisals can be a wonderful opportunity for your staff to focus on their jobs and make plans to develop their unused potential. They can also be a means of getting the best out of staff, both as individuals, and as team members. So, if you have decided that an appraisal scheme should be set up in your company, you need to establish some formal procedures and make some decisions before you begin. Even if your company already has a scheme, you need to consider what you want to achieve and how you are going to do this. First of all, you need to decide on your key objectives and the real purpose of your scheme.


  A scheme should never be introduced at a time of redundancies, or simply for profit or competitive edge, because this will create fear and alienate staff. The next step is to decide how the scheme can most successfully be managed, It is essential that all senior staff are committed to the process and willing to make a positive contribution. The person given responsibility for designing the scheme and the appraisal forms needs to have knowledge of all roles within the organization. He or she must also be aware of employees" potential needs.


  He or she should be someone who is trusted and whom staff will turn to if they a r e conce r ne d about their appointed appraiser or the appraisal interview. The design of the scheme should indicate who will be appraising whom. This needs great tact and sensitivity. First, remember that no manager can effectively appraise more than seven or eight people. It is equally important to remember that, if significant numbers of staff are appraised by someone they dislike, or by a person whose values they do not share, the success of your scheme may be threatened.


  So bear this in mind from the

 beginning and, if necessary, establish an appeals procedure. Having decided on your policy and who will appraise which members of staff, you need to communicate this in the simplest possible way. Avoid lengthy documents — few people will read them.


  Most organizations choose a person"s line manager to be the appraiser. This can be seen as an opportunity or a threat, so be ready to consider alternatives if necessary. Once you have established the appraisal process, make sure that appraisal interviews take place at a convenient time, and ideally on neutral ground. It should be borne in mind that some appraisals may involve the disclosure of confidential information.


  These will show the decisions that were taken during the interview and will also indicate any new performance targets that have been agreed. A It is important to select a manager who can deal effectively with any suspicions staff may have about appraisals. B Such a measure can also reduce insecurity and unite staff in recognizing the positive elements of appraisal. C Having even one staff member in such a position may affect how others respond to the process. D Ideally, this should be to provide a supportive framework that aids staff development. E Simply make sure that staff know who will appraise them and why, and what form the interview will take. F It is therefore important to decide who will have access to written records of the appraisal. G They can also be a means of getting the best out of staff, both as individuals, and as team members. 6. D [解析] a scheme,should never be,create fear and alienate staff this,should be,aid staff development 空栺前一句为“首先要确定业绩评估方案的主要目标和实际目的。”空栺后一句为“这个评估方案 不应在职员冗余的时候提出,或者单纯为了追求利润,又或者是为了获得竞争优势,因为这样做 会造成员工的恐慌和疏远。”根据前一句推测所缺句子可能为前一句的具体目标或目的。对应选 项 D中所提到的“理想状态下,业绩评估方案应该是提供一个框架方案来帮助员工发展。”而此句 也与空栺后形成对比。

 7. A [解析] he,someone a manager 空栺前一句为“他/她(负责设计业绩评估方案和评估表的人)也必须了解员工的潜在需求”空栺后 一句为“这个人一定是受人信任的,而且如果员工担心他们的指定评估人会是谁或者他们的评估 面试会如何进行,他们会愿意向其求助。”空栺前后句都在围绕负责业绩评估方案的人展开,所 缺句子也应该是关于这个人的。对应选项 A中所提到的“重要的是选出来的经理要能够有效地处理 员工关于业绩评估的任何疑问。”

  8. C [解析] significant numbers of staff are appraised by someone they dislike,threatened even one staff member in such a position,affect 空栺前一句为“如果有一些员工的业绩是產他们不喜欢的人来评估的,或者是產一个拥有不同价 值观的人评估的,那么业绩评估的准确性就会受到威胁。”空栺后一句为“从评估开始就要记住这 一点,必要时需建立申诉程序。”空栺前一句讲的是错误评估会造成一定的影响,所缺句子应进 一步说明错误评估可能带来的负面影响。对应选项 C 中所提到的“即使只有一个员工处于这种状况 下,也很可能会影响其他人对评估过程的看法。”

 9. E [解析] simplest,avoid

 simply 空栺前一句为“要避免冗长的文件,因为几乎没有人会读。”空栺后一句为大多数公司会选择他 们的部门经理作为员工的评估人。空栺前后两句都是在说如何通过简单的方式来选择评估人,那 么所缺句子与空栺后一句构成递进关系。

  10. F [解析] confidential information,these written records 空栺前一句为“还要记住有些评估过程可能会涉及机密信息的泄露。”空栺后一句为“这些文件会 涉及评估面试期要做出的决定,也同时会指出通过的业绩评估目标。”空栺后一句的第一个单词 为复数的指示代词,同时它应指代所缺句子中的某个复数名词。空栺前后句都是围绕机密信息和 文件展开,对应选项 F 中所提到的“因此,决定谁能接触到书面评估记录是十分重要的。”

 Sell, Sell, S ell

  Last year over £13bn was spent on advertising in the UK and research indicates that most people will have seen 2m sales messages by the time they are 30. Advertising is big business and often acts as the interface between commerce and culture. While there are many adverts that just irritate, there are s ome that

 are miniature works of art. The production costs involved in these can reach higher figures than those for the average movie. The advertisers themselves believe they are delivering an important message because they are protecting and promoting a client"s brand and extending greater choice to the consumer.


  Instead of being free, many TV channels would only be available on subscription packages of about £500 per month and newspapers might cost six times more than their present cover price. There are many different models of advertising practice, but no one is precisely sure what makes a good advert.


  While some try to get you to buy a product, others, such as antismoking cam p ai gns, aim

 to get you not to do something. Some adverts are not aimed at consumers at all, but at retailers, shareholders or employees. For example, manufacturers often advertise their products in trade magazines to reassure retailers that a new brand will be widely promoted. Petrol companies often choose to emphasize how environmentally friendly they are; this is to offset any negative public perceptions of the industry rather than to persuade consumers to buy an individual brand of petrol.


  This is because petrol is regarded, in advertising terms, as a distress purchase. We get it because we can"t do without it , not

 because we really want it. In general, however, the main aim of advertising is to attribute emotional qualities to a product in order to create an individual brand that the consumer can associate with. Working out whether an advert has been successful is extremely difficult.


  For example, what persuaded them to buy a car? You cannot be sure whether it was the advertising, the price, the opposition"s distribution, changes in the law or changes in consumer attitudes that was the determining factor. What advertising can"t do is make consumers buy something they don"t want. It can perhaps persuade you to try something once, but if you don"t like what you get, you won"t try it again,


  In other words, where there is no emotional engagement, such as a consumer"s feelings about a bag of peas, beliefs are much harder to shift. A Moreover, it is almost impossible to get people to change the way they view things they are indifferent to. B Over the last ten years, other forms of advertising, such as direct marketing, have become increasingly popular as well as scientific. C They don"t, as the industry well knows, care enough to be brand loyal to such a product. D Whether you accept this argument or not, you have to recognize that without advertising our world would be very different. E The problem lies in isolating precisely what motivates people to behave in a particular way. F This is partly because not all advertisements are designed to do the same thing. G The production costs involved in these can reach higher figures than those for the average movie. 11.

 D [解析] delivering an important message without advertising our world would be very different 空栺前一句为“广告商们自认为他们在传播重要的信息,因为他们在保护并促销某客户的品牌以 及为消费者提供更为广阔的选择范围。”空栺后一句为“很多电视台都是收费的,每月广告征订费 在 500英镑左右。”空栺前一句说明了广告对于生产商和消费者来说都很重要,空栺后一句指出选 择任何一种渠道做广告都需要,因此所缺句子应该承接前一句,继续说明广告的作甠。对应选项 D中所提到的“无论你是否同意这个观点,不得不承认的是,如果没有广告,世界将是另一番景 象。”正因为广告的作甠巨大,那么它肯定不会是免费的,进而引出空栺后一句。

 12. F [解析] no one...makes a good advert,some…,some… not all...to do the same thing 空栺前一句为“广告模式多种多样,但没有人能确定什么样的广告才是一则好广告。”空栺后一 句为“有的广告是试图劝说你购买某种产品,而有的广告则是劝说你不要做某事,例如反对吸烟 的广告。”空栺后一句为分述,那么可以判断所缺句子应为空栺后句子的总体概述,阐述不同广 告的不同目的和内容。对应选项 F 中所提到的“部分原因是,不是所有的广告都是被设计成实现同 一个目标。”

 13. C [解析] brand of petrol brand loyal 空栺前一句为“汽油公司往往注重强调他们如何环保,这是为了抵消公众们对这个行业的负面看 法,而不是要劝说消费者们去购买某种品牌的汽油。”空栺后一句为“这是因为,从广告的角度 讲,汽油被看作一种无奈而又必须购买的商品。”根据空栺前后句,可以推断所缺句子可能是解 释说明汽油公司对品牌的态度。对应选项 C 中所提到的“这个行业的业内人士很清楚,他们根本不 必在乎顾客对此种汽油产品的品牌忠诚度。”承接空栺后一句,因为汽油对于消费者来说是生活 必需品。

 14. E [解析] work out...is extremely difficult the problem,for example 空栺前一句为“弄清一则广告是否成功是极为困难的。”空栺后一句为“例如,是什么说服他们买 一辆车呢?”空栺前一句说明无法弄清广告是否成功,那么所缺句子很可能为无法弄清楚的原因或 者问题所在。对应选项 E中所提到的“问题在于准确分辨出什么可以激励人们以某种特定方式行 动。”

 15. A [解析] in other words,beliefs are much harder to shift impossible to change 空栺前一句为“广告也许能够说服你尝试一次某种商品,但是如果你不喜欢它,那么你将不会再 尝试。”空栺后一句为“换言之,如果没有情感因素,信念就更难改变了。”空栺前一句指出广告孓 在的问题就是你不能决定人们的选择,空栺后一句进一步说明改变人们的看法是很困难的,所缺 句子起着承上启下的作甠。对应选项 A中所提到的“而且,让人们改变他们对漠不关心的事物的看 法几乎是不可能的。”

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