
时间:2022-07-02 11:00:08 浏览量:

 语法专题之构词法 一、名词的构词法 1.动词变名词的后缀 后缀 例词 -al approve→approval 赞成;批准;refuse→refusal 拒绝 propose→proposal 提议;建议;survive→survival 幸存 -ance attend→attendance 出席;参加;guide→guidance 指引;指导 annoy→annoyance 恼怒;assist→assistance 帮助 -ence exist→existence 存在;生存;prefer→preference 偏爱 refer→reference 参考;查阅;occur→ocurrence 发生 -ion educate→education 教育;evaluate→evaluation 评估 construct→construction 建设;discuss→discussion 讨论 -ption describe→description 描述;subsribe→subscription 订阅 prescribe→precription 处方;assume→assumption 假设 -ation expect→expectation 期待;期望;explain→explanation 解释 invite→invitation 邀请;starve→starvation 挨饿

 identify→identification 识别;classify→classification 分类 -(s)sion revise→revision 修订 decide→decision 决定 expand→expansion 膨胀;permit→permission 允许 admit→admission 接纳;submit→submission 提交;服从 -ing(s) suffer→suffering 苦难;begin→beginning 开始 hear→hearing 听力;听觉;train→training 培训 earn→earnings 收入;belong→belongings 财产 -ment argue→argument 辩论;论据;achieve→achievement 功绩;成就 treat→treatment 对待;治疗;equip→euipment 设备 -ure press→pressure 压力;fail→failure 失败;未做(应作之事)

 -ture mix→mixture 混合;混合物;depart→departure 离开;出发 -y recover→recovery 恢复;痊愈;discover→discovery 发现; inquire→inquiry 询问 其他 grow→growth 成长;发展;choose→choice 选择 vary→variety 多样化;种类;tend→tendency 趋向;趋势

 2.形容词变名词的后缀 后缀 例词 -age short→shortage 不足;短缺 -cy efficient→efficiency 效率;功效;private→privacy 隐私 fluent→fluency 流利;流畅;accurate→accuracy 准确性 -dom wise→wisdom 智慧;free→freedom 自由 -ce different→difference 差异;silent→silence 沉默 present→presence 出席;存在;convenient→convenience 便利 -th warm→warmth 温暖;热情;true→truth 真相 wide→width 宽度;strong→strength 力气;强项 -ness weak→weakness 虚弱;弱点;ill→illness 疾病 careless→carelessness 粗心大意;lonely→loneliness 孤独 -y/-ty/-ity difficult→difficulty 困难;cruel→cruelty 残酷;loyal→loyalty 忠诚 safe→safety 安全;able→ability 能力; simple→simplicity 简朴 3.表示“人”的后缀 在某些形容词、名词或动词后面加后缀变成具有某种职业或动作的人。常见后缀有:

 后缀 例词 -ar lie→liar 说谎者

 -er teach→teacher 老师;strange→stranger 陌生人 employ→employer 雇主;interview→interviewer 采访者;面试官 -ee employ→employee 雇员; train→trainee 受训练人;学员 interview→interviewee 被采访者;被面试者 -or invent→inventor 发明家;educate→educator 教育家 donate→donator 捐赠者;act→actor 演员 -ess wait→waitress 女服务员;act→actress 女演员 host→女主人;女主持人;god-goddess 女神 -ese Vietnam→vietnamese 越南人;China→Chinese 中国人 Japan→Japanese 日本人;Portugal→Portuguese 葡萄牙人 -an America→American 美国人;Australia→Australian 澳大利亚人 Italy→Italian 意大利人;Egypt→Egyptian 埃及人

 -ian music→musician 音乐家; history→historian 历史学家 politics→politician 政治家; ibrary→librarian 图书管理员 -ist novel→novelist 小说家;;special→specialist 专家 tour→tourist 观光者;游客; chemisty→chemist 化学家 -ant assist→assistant 助手;店员;serve→servant 仆人 participate→participan 参加者;attend→attendant 服务人员;随从 二、形容词、副词构词法 1.动词、名词变形容词的常见后缀 后缀 例词 -able accept→acceptable 可接受的;forgive→forgivable 可原谅的 respect→respectable 值得尊敬的;reason→reasonable 有道理的 -al origin→original 最初的;person→personal 个人的;私人的 center→central 中央的;中心的;nature→natural 自然的;天生的 -ful doubt→doubtful 怀疑的;forget→forgetful 健忘的 respect→respectful 恭敬的;regret→regretful 遗憾的;后悔的 -ed scare→scared 感到恐惧的;confuse→confused 感到困惑的 underline→underlined 下划线的;delight→delighted 感到高兴的 -ing surprise→surprising 令人惊异的;convince→convincing 令人信服的 satisfy→satisfying 令人满意的;annoy→annoying 讨厌的 -ible access→accessible 容易取得的;horror→horrible 可怕的;恐怖的 terror→terrible 可怕的 -ive act→active 积极的;活跃的;effect→effective 有效的;生效的 attract→attractive 有吸引力的;impress→impressive 给人深刻印象的 -ous continue→continuous 不断的;持续的;anxiety→anxious 忧虑的 caution→cautious 谨慎的;curiosity→curious 好奇的 humor→humorous 幽默的;courage→courageous 勇敢地 -some tire→tiresome 令人厌倦的;trouble→troublesome 麻烦的 -y taste→tasty 美味的;可口的;health→healthy 健康的 wealth→wealthy 富裕的;丰富的 -ern east→eastern 东方的;向东的 -ish child→childish 孩子气的;fool→foolish 愚蠢的;self→selfish 自私的

 -ic science→scientific 科学的;economy→economic 经济的 history→historic 历史上著名的;energy→energetic 精力充沛的 2.形容词变副词的后缀 在形容词后加-ly 可变成相应意义的副词 一般情况下,在词尾直接加-ly fortunate→fortunately 幸运地;real→really 真正地 extreme→extremel 极度;immediate→immediately 立即 “辅音字母+y”结尾的形容词,改 y 为-ily happy→happily 高兴地;easy→easily 容易地 lucky→luckily 幸运地;heavy→heavily 沉重地 以“-ble/tle/ple”结尾的形容词,去 e 加-ly possible→possibly 可能地;terrible→terribly 可怕地; probable→probably 大概;horrible→horribly 可怕地 simple→simply 简单地;gentle→gently 温柔地 以“-ic”结尾形容词,在词尾补 al,再加 ly academic→academically 在学术上 basic→basically 基本地 scientific→scientifically 科学地 systematic→systematically 有条理地 automatic→automatically 自动地

 特例 outdoor→outdoors 在户外;indoor→indoors 在室内 public→publicly 公然地;gay→gaily 欢乐地; full→fully 充分地;whole→wholly 完全地; true→truly 真实地;straight→成直线地;立即;直率

  三、动词构词法 前缀 en- danger →endanger 使处于危险之中;rich→enrich 使丰富 courage→encourage 鼓励;large→enlarge 变大;增大 后缀-en sharp→sharpen 使锋利;broad→broaden 使开阔 short→shorten


 加宽 -ify beauty→beautify 美化;simple→simplify 简化 pure→purify 提纯;summary→summarize 作总结 -ize local→localize 使地方化;real→realize 认识到;实现 popular→popularize 普及;modern→modernize 使现代化

 -ate origin→originate 起源于;active→activate 激活;

 四、否定词缀 1.表示否定意义的前缀 un-不,非 unable 不能够;unlucky 不幸的;unnecessary 不必要的 dis-不,非 dishonest 不诚实的;discontinuous 不连贯的 in-不,非 inactive 不活跃的;incorrect 不正确的;informal 非正式的 im-不,非 impatient 不耐烦的;impossible 不可能的;immoral 不道德的 ir-不,非 irregular 不规则的;irresponsible 不负责任的; irresistible 不可抵抗的 il-不,非 illogical 不合逻辑的;illegal 非法的 non-不,非 nonexistent 不存在的;nonstop 连续不断的;nonprofit 非盈利的; mis-错误 mislead 误导;misunderstand 误解;mistake 误认为 dis-+ 动 词(意义相反) dislike 不喜欢;disagree 不同意;discourage 劝阻;disable 使失灵;使残疾; un-+ 动 词(意义相反) unwrap 拆开;undress 脱衣服;unpack 打开 2.表示否定意义的后缀 名词+-less→否定意义的形容词 use →useless 无用的;hope→hopeless 没有希望的;绝望的; home→ homeless 无家可归的;mercy→merciless 残忍的; worth→worthless 没有价值的

 构词法练习 1.A career in law is becoming increasingly

  (attract) to young people. 2.Your

  (perform) as a student will be excellent if you develop a habit of reflecting on how you learn. 3.My first _______ (impress) of him was that he was a thoughtful young man.

 4.The book provides

  (value) information on recent trends. 5.I"m

 (true) sorry that things had to end like this. 6.We are all

  (entire) responsible for our actions and for our reactions. 7.The

  (freeze) Northeast hasn"t been a terribly fun place to spend time this winter. 8.As we know, the dinosaurs

 (appear) long ago. 9.As this can be seen, it was a time of social unrest. It is hard to avoid great

 ____ (fortune) occurred. 10.If you go on working like this, you"ll

  (danger) your health. 11.

 (obvious), the story is not true, but the festival is interesting. 12.When Bob was still young, his parents"

  (marry) ended in divorce. 13.Not knowing how to operate the computer is one of the

  (advantage) in finding jobs. 14.

  (thank), I managed to get through the game and the pain was worth it in the end. 15.Letting that animal escape was no accident; you did it

 (intend). 16.What you said sounded

 (reason) but in fact it was untrue. 17.We have to learn ______ (advance) technology from other countries. 18.You"d better give up smoking if you want to keep

 (health). 19.Not only the teachers but also the students find the website

 (benefit). 20.It snowed

  (heavy) last night and now the streets are covered with snow. 答案:1.attractive 2.performance 3.impression 4.valuable 5.truly 6.entirely 7.freezing 8.disappeared 9.misfortune 10.endanger 11.Obviously 12.marriage 13.disadvantages 14.Thankfully 15.intentionally 16.reasonable 17.advanced 18.healthy 19.beneficial 20.heavily

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