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 考场链接本文与剑桥 BEC 中级真题集第二辑 阅读 TEST1 PART FOUR完形填空的题材类似。

 ①In order to succeed in today"s global marketplace, a company must be able to quickly identify and exploit opportunities wherever they occur, domestically or internationally. ②A company"s managers are forced to make choices regarding what to do,and what not to do. ③Different companies make different choices, and those choices have implications for each company"s ability to meet the needs of customers and create a defensible competitive position internationally. ④Without adequate planning, managers are more likely to make decisions that do not make good sense competitively , and the company"s international competitiveness may be harmed. ⑤Many international firms have found it necessary to institute formal global strategic planning to provide a means for top management to identify opportunities and threats from all over the world.,formulate strategies to handle them, and stipulate how to finance the strategies" implementation. ⑥Global strategic plans not only provide for consistency of action among the firm"s managers worldwide but also require the participants to consider the ramifications of their actions in the other geographical and functional areas of the firm. ⑦These plans provide a thorough foundation for making decisions regarding what resources and competencies to develop, when and how

 to develop them, and how to use those competencies to achieve competitive advantage. ⑧Global strategic planning is the primary function of managers, and the ultimate manager of strategic planning and strategy making is the firm" s chief executive officer. Adapted from International Business

  ①In order to succeed in today"s global marketplace, a company must be able to quickly identify and exploit opportunities wherever they occur, domestically or internationally. 公司为了在今天的全球市场中取得成功.无论机会在国内或国际上何时出现.都必须迅速地识别和利用它。

 口 succeed [s ə k"si:d] V. 继承,接替,成功

  语境 The board picked the finance director to succeed the retiring

  general manager.董事会选择财务主管接替退休总经理的位置。

 口 global [‘gl ə ubi] adj.世界的,全球的

  语境 Our global advertising scheme has boosted our business


  短语" global operator 全球性经营公司

 " global sales 全球销量

  global strategy 全球策略 口 marketplace ["ma:ktpleis]


  语境 The company"s market share is 48 percent in the marketplace.这家公司的市场占有率是 48%

  短语"international marketplace国际市场corporate marketplace企

 业市场 口 identify [ai"dentifai] V.识别.确定 语境 By shipping marks,the importer, the customs authorities and the clerks on the piers can identify the packages very easily. 有了发货标记,进口商、海关当局和码头上的工作人员能够很容易地分辨出货物箱。

  短语" file identification 文件识别 identification tag 识别标签 口 opportunity [, ɒ pe"tju:niti] n..时机,机会

  语境 Sales are an excellent opportunity to buy quality goods at

  reduced prices.大减价是以低价购买高质世商品的有利时机

  短语"opportunity management 商机管理 " opportunity sampling随机取样 口 domestically [d ə "mestik ə li] adv,.国内地

  语境 The current reform will have an impact not only domestically

  but also internationally 这场改革不仅影响中国,而且会影响


  短语"domestic demand 内需 domestic debt 内债 ② A company"s managers are forced to make choices regarding what to do, and what not to do 一个公司的经理们必须做出关于做什么和不做什么的选择。

 口 regarding [ri"ga:di


 ] prep.关于.至于

  语境 All of the contracts regarding wages, taxes, and usage fees are

  now void.所有有关工资、税务和使用费的合同现在都已无效

  助记 re-(= again, back 加强意义)十 gard (look 看,视)=regard 把…看作。

 Re- -gard(=look)


 regard V 重视.,尊重 regards n. (pl)敬意,问候 regarding prep 关于 with / in regard to 关于 regardless of 不管.不顾 Respect

 v&n,尊重,尊敬 respects n. (pl)敬意,问候 respecting prep 关于 with / in respect to 关于 irrespective of 不管.不顾

 ③Different companies make different choices, and those choices have implications for each company"s ability to meet the needs of customers and create a defensible com-petitive position internationally.不同的公司做出不同的选择,那些选择会影晌一个公司满足消费者需要以及在国际范围内创造可防御的竞争地位的能力。

 口 implication [,imph"kei

 ʃə n],n,.暗示,含义

  语境 The new report has far-reaching implications for the future of


 短 语 "budgetary implication 财 政 预 算 的 影 响 " inflationary implication 通胀影响 助记 im-(= in, 里面)十 plic(=fold 叠)+-action(名词词缀)=implication 暗示,卷入,含义。试着辨析以下三个近义词:

 Implication n.暗示,卷入.指对某事不公开发表自己的意见,仅用语言动作或表情表明态度.让对方进行推断 Hint n.暗示,线索.指用语言或行动来表示你想要或 知道的事情 Clue n.线索,(故事等的)情节,指一种信号或者是信息,它能够使我们找到一个问题或者谜团的答案

 口 customer [‘kʌstəmə(r)]

 n.主顾,用户 语境 Sylcon had built a small but wealthy customer haw through the family connections of some of its directors. Sylcon 公司通过它一些经理的家庭关系已经建立了一个人数较少却很富有的客户群 短语"customer service 客户服务 customer data 客户数据 口 defensible [di"fens ə bl] adj.可防御的,可辩护的

 语境 Economic activities were seen as the only defensible form of American involvement abroad.经济活动呗认为是美国插手海外的唯一防御形式。

 口 competitive [k ə m"petitiv] adj.竞争的

 语境 Along with the glubalisation of knowledge economy,the human ability resource becomes the first resource and core competitive power.随着知识经济的全球化.人才资派成为第一资源和核心竞争力 短语"competitive mechanism 竞争机制 " competitive bidding 竞标

 口 competitiveness

 [k ə m"petitivnis] n.竞争力 语境 Through technology, we can make the products hold stronger competitiveness on the market.通过技术,我们可以使产品在市场上其有更强的竞争力 短语"price competitivenes:价格竟争力 external competitiveness 对外竞争力 口 position [p ə zi ʃə n]n,.位置,职位,立场 语境 The present holder of the position is quite small beer compared with his predecessor.日前继位人和他的前任相比差远了 短语" position sought 谋求的职位 position tide 职位头衔 搭配 apply for a position 申请职位,谋职 The earnest reason why I apply for a position in your company is that my current work doesn‘t

 fit my major.我申请贵公司工作的重要原因是因为我目前的工作和我的专业不对口。

 ④Without adequate planning, managers are more likely to make decisions that do not make good sense competitively,and the company"s International competitiveness may be harmed.缺乏充分的规划.经理们更有可能做出竞争效果不良的决策,最终可能损害公司的国际竟争力。

 口 adequate [‘aedikwit] adj.适当的,胜任的,充足的 语境 Three requirements for the payment of a cash dividend are:

 retained earning., adequate cash and dividend declared by the board 支付现金股利需具备三个条件:留存收益、充足的现金和董事会的分红决定 ⑤ Many international firms have found it necessary to institute formal global strategic planning to provide a means for top management to identify opportunities and threats from all over the world, formulate strategies to handle them,and stipulate how to finance the strategies" implementation.许多国际企业发现有必要创立正式的环球战略规划来为高层管理者提供识别来自全球的机会和威胁的手段.制定战略来处理它们,并规定如何对战略实施提供资金支持。

 口 institute [institju:y]、v


 n.协会,学院 语境 American Institute of Management was instituted to research financial market.建立了美国管理协会的目的是研究金融市场

  短语" institute for International Economics 国际经济研究所

  institute policy 协会保险单 口 strategic [str ə "ti:d3ik] adj.战略的,策略的 语境 Strategic planning for the company i、the responsibility of top management.为该公司进行战略规划是最高管理层的职责

  短语.strategic management 战略管理

  strategic planning 战略规划 口 strategy ["strae tid3i]n 战略.策略 语境 It showed me a series of business issues, such as distribution

 channels, marketing strategy and decision making.它向我展示了一系列的商业问题.如分配梁道、营峭策略以及决策制定

  短语.marketing strategy 营销策咯.logistics strategy 物流战略

  .global marketing strategy 全球营销策略

 0 management ["maenid3mant",,.经营,管理

  语境 In the pa、一 ten years, enterprise management information

  systems have made great contribution to improving the level of

  management and the efficiency of enterprises.在过去的+年里.企


  要的作用 J

  短语一 project management 项 n 竹理

  令 scientific management 科学针理

 0 formulate ["fo:mju1eA]二制定.用公式表示,明确地


  语境 This law is specially formulated 一。safeguard the lawful

  rights and interests of parties to foreign economic contracts and to

  promote the development of China"s foreign economic relations.



  姐语" formulate laws 制

 ;i?1 c1f " formulate olans 9;i iHia1

  口,tipulate ["stipjulett] r.(在合约、协议或合同上)规定

  语境 The contract stipulates that the seller pay,the buyer"s costs.

  合同规定由卖方向买方支付费用 口 finance ["fatnarnsl it.时政.资金

  语境 As a result of world trade and economic activity. international

 finance and banking have evolved 随着世界贾易和 f}济活动的发

  展,IQ 际金融和银行业应这而生

  想语一 finance charge 信贷费用一 finance indicator财务指标

  " finance 一。ale 金融和 I 赁 口 financial [fatnaenjal] adj.时政的,金触的

  语魄 As to our credit information. %r refer yo。to our financial


  短语奋 financial deficit 财政赤字

  一 financial leverage 金敬水[杆一 financial intermediary金融中介 口 implementation [Implimen"teijen],.fE 行,实现

  语境 Detailed implementation of the plans was left to the regional

  offices 这些计划由各地区办事处未其体执行

  欢语一 implementation plan 实施规划

  一 implementation phase 实施阶段

 口 Global strategic plans not only provide for consistency of action among the firm"s managers worldwide but also require the participants to consider the ramifications of their actions in the other geographical and functional areas of the firm,全球战略计划不仅规定全球企业经理们的行动应该 一致,还要求他们考虑其行动对企业其他区域和职能领域的影 晌。

 0 consistency [kan"sistanst]二一致性,连贯性

  语 境 Commercial banks shall ensure consistency among market

  risk limits.商业银行应该保 il.市场风险限倾的一致性。

 0 participant [pa:"tisipant],.参 4 者

  语境 This regulation protect、the legal rights and interest of the

  foreign participant 一这个法规保护外资方的合法权益。

  翅语一 participant state 参 MIN

  奋 equity participant 参股片 口 ramification [,raemtft"keijand”.分 k 机构,分 k

  语境 The ramifications of the group include all kinds of


  soft drinks and household dust collectors.该集 M 的分支机构经升


  艰语一 ramification index 分支指标

  今 ramification point 分支点 口 functional ["fork 了 anal] adj.功能的

  语境 We need team building skills. cross-functional ccommunication

  skills. presentation skills and listening skills.我们需要 14 Fk 建设、跨


  短语今 functional efficiency 职能效牛 今 functional analysi:功能分析

  0 These plans provide a thorough foundation for making decisions regarding what resources and competencies to develop, when and how to develop them, and how to use those competencies to achieve competitive advantage.这些 计划为做出关于开发什么资源和能力、何时与如何开发以及如


 0 competency ["knmpitansi],.能力,资格

  语境 Some companies use 伴币 xmanee reviews to draw judgments

  on whether employees have achieved competency.有些公司利用业


  短语" core competency 核心能 IJ

  " professional competency 专业能 JI O adcanlagc [ad"va:ntid3",。.优势,利益

  语境 Professional team and price advantage help your product

  quickly upgrade the competitiveness of the market,专业的团队和价 格优势帮助您的产品决速提升市场竞争力

  表示.优越.凌驾‘’的词组搭配: advantage(化势) superiority(优越) priority 优先,

  0 Global strategic planning is the primary function of managers, and the ultimate manager of strategic planning and strategy making is the firm"s chief executive officer.全球 战略规划是经理们的主要职能.而战略规划和战略制定的最高 领导者是企业的首席执行官。

 口 1ultimate ["nltimit] adj.最终的.根本的

  语境 Such territorial limitation shall apply only to the pmducts sold

  for ultimate retail consumption.这种地区性限制将只适用于出仿的


  短语" ultimate destination 最终 n 的地

  一 ultimate objective 最终目标 口一 executive [ig"zekjutiv] adj.经营管理的.行政的

  语旋 Schools need to focus on executive education for senior

  bankers and insurers and make a contribution to stabilising the

 financial system.学校雷要将重点放在高级银行家和保险家的管


  足语一。xccutivc managem。一行政管理

  " executive branch 行政部门

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